- 지오메트릭 스터디 Into one Geometric Study Park Sung-eun, Park Kyu-eun, Park Jung-woo
- 김성현 작가 Flowers in a vase,
From imagination to canvas - Kim Sung-yoon
세계인 - 베르너 사세 Contemplating the beauty of
Korean Pungnyu - Werner Sasse
Intersections Beyond Boundaries Opposites United:
Intersections Beyond Boundaries
안나 갈타로사 X 니콜라스 베커 Intersections Beyond Boundaries - Anna Galtarossa x Nicolas Becker
아뜰리에형준, 이형준 Pipe fittings grow into trees,
creating an energetic forest
잉고 바움가르텐 Familiarity transformed into the unfamiliar, The ordinary perceived through the exotic eyes, A foreigner’s portrait of a Korean house
- Ingo Baumgarten
스페이스미조 Creating intricate synergy with nature, people, and art
- Space Mijo
향한 무한한 자유 Unlimited Freedom Toward Newness
Enjoy Your Discovery! Let’s Enjoy Your Discovery!
그의 다양한 이야기를 들어봅니다. Designer Robert Klos. Hear his various stories.
드랙 아티스트 나나영롱킴 Beyond Prejudice: Advancing Toward a World of Infinite Possibilities — Nana Youngrong Kim, Drag Artist
K아트의 안팎을 조망한다는 것 Looking Out from Both Sides of a Surging K-Art Movement
생각하는 법 How to Discern between What You Know and What You See
그의 다양한 이야기를 들어봅니다. Senior Designer Kyuhwan Kim. Hear his various stories, including DQM.
한복 디자이너 김영진 The Passion of Our Hanbok — Youngjin Kim, Hanbok Designer
찾는 손의 감각 Hands’ Sense of Finding Possibilities
아트워크, 환대로서의 전시 Artworks as a Medium, an Exhibition as Hospitality
VR에 대한 이야기를 들어봅니다. We talk about using VR in Mobility Design.
영화 번역가 달시 파켓 Interpreting K-Culture — Darcy Paquet, Subtitle Translator
자유로운 융합으로 Beyond Variation, Toward Free Fusion
무한 세계 An Infinite World Named Yayoi Kusama
그의 다양한 이야기를 들어봅니다. Intern Designer Bowen Zhou. Hear her various stories.
셰프 권우중 The Unknown World of Korean Food — Woojoong Kwon, Chef
예술적 균형감 An Artistic Sense of Balance in Reading the Times
이후의 한류 Hallyu after Hallyu 3.0
그의 다양한 이야기를 들어봅니다. Senior Exterior Designer Xu Zheming. Hear his various stories.
웹툰 작가 나승훈 The Universal Appeal of a Simple Laugh — Seunghoon Na, Webtoon Artist
몸의 태도들 The Body’s Attitudes Toward Time
인간이라는 꿈 Dreams of a New Human
아브힐라샤 쟐라니와 푸자 마이셰리 CMF Designer Abhilasha Jhanlani and Pooja Maisheri. Hear different stories.
건축가 김찬중 A Timeline of Architecture: Looking Ahead to Tomorrow, Today/Looking Back at the Past, Tomorrow — Chanjoong Kim, Architect
영민한 시선 An Astute Glance Back at the Past
바꾼 그림 Paintings That Changed the Ways Of Seeing
그의 다양한 이야기를 들어봅니다. Exterior designer Berk Erner. Hear his various stories.
조경가 정영선 Boundless Sequence — Youngsun Jung, Landscape Architect
그 경계를 넘어서 Beyond the Border Between Early and Contemporary Music
끝나지 않는 Upside-down, Rebellious, Endless
그의 다양한 이야기를 들어봅니다. Meet Han Jeong.
‘나 없는 너’도 없는 No “Me Without You” and No “You Without Me” — Jeonghwa Choi, Artist